CAS Val-De-Joux | Swiss Alpine Club SAC
Unterstütze den SAC Jetzt spenden

CAS Val-De-Joux

Size of the section

331 members

Yearly membership fees

Single membership

CHF 125 + one time CHF 25 entry fee

Family membership

CHF 190 + one time CHF 40 entry fee

Youth membership

CHF 60 + one time CHF 15 entry fee

Section advantages

  • Jusqu'à 50% de réduction sur les nuitées dans les 153 cabanes du CAS

... and all other advantages of the SAC Membership

This is how you can reach us

CAS Val-De-Joux
p.a. Michel Kocher
Chemin de la Roche du Ciel 10
1188 St-George

Events of the section CAS Val-De-Joux

Huts of the section
