Sport Climbing Maighelshütte SAC | Climbing | Swiss Alpine Club SAC
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Sport Climbing Maighelshütte SAC 2010 m Climbing

On the way to Maighelshütte are two beautiful summer climbing areas. Both are perfect for a family climbing weekend. The north-facing granite slabs are well bolted and lie in a beautiful landscape. Bruno Honegger, longtime warden at the hut, together with mountain guide Andy Müller bolted this area about twenty years ago. Both offer climbing lessons based out of the hut. For those seeking a bigger challenge they have also 'equipped' the east ridge of Piz Badus; info available at the hut.


  1. 3a-4c18
  2. 5a-5c2
  3. 6a-6c0
  4. 7a-7c0
  5. 8a-9b0

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